Starting up frustration

Dear non existent readers. Today I started this blog. I started this so I could put some writing up for a possible position on a Glee podcast(if you are the one picking for the podcast, see this dedication, it is awesome, pick me!) But I think I may try to keep it up as this year goes on. Maybe. We'll see, but in the mean time I have a some comments on starting this blog. Even though I do not know if I intend to keep it I do know that I am picky about things like this, especially when a layout and naming comes into play. Ask anyone on my high school newspaper staff, I will take hours till I find something perfect. So I just spent the last couple of hours that I should have been working on transcribing various lectures making this blog and remaking it over and over again. Right now I can somewhat accept it. However I am now itching to learn how to make these templates myself. There are so many ugly templates on the internet it is astounding. They really need to just clear it out and start over, we aren't in the myspace ages now people. Get with the program. Regardless of this I am going to post a few things today and tomorrow and see how it goes.


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Monday, August 22, 2011

Starting up frustration

Dear non existent readers. Today I started this blog. I started this so I could put some writing up for a possible position on a Glee podcast(if you are the one picking for the podcast, see this dedication, it is awesome, pick me!) But I think I may try to keep it up as this year goes on. Maybe. We'll see, but in the mean time I have a some comments on starting this blog. Even though I do not know if I intend to keep it I do know that I am picky about things like this, especially when a layout and naming comes into play. Ask anyone on my high school newspaper staff, I will take hours till I find something perfect. So I just spent the last couple of hours that I should have been working on transcribing various lectures making this blog and remaking it over and over again. Right now I can somewhat accept it. However I am now itching to learn how to make these templates myself. There are so many ugly templates on the internet it is astounding. They really need to just clear it out and start over, we aren't in the myspace ages now people. Get with the program. Regardless of this I am going to post a few things today and tomorrow and see how it goes.

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