Glee from the Angle of a Poor College Student

A piece of my past as a high school theater student. Sadly
 these days are long gone now! 
  When Glee first came out it was my senior year of high school and everyone was talking about it, everyone in my group of friends at least. I was among the theater freaks and the band geeks who all assumed that music was life. Glee was a breath of fresh air to the otherwise music devoid television shows out there today. I mean sure Scrubs, and even Grey’s Anatomy did musical episodes, but who really got into those if you were not a fan of them already? The community as a whole, young and old needed something more, something that was not just watching the latest rendition of Rent or Hairspray. Glee swooped in with booming applause from its home audience and hasn’t lost any power since. Now in high school these music geeks and lovers have many different ways to express their intense love for the arts. However, when college rolls around eminently in the fall after that fun filled senior year it is a different story entirely. Most students despite their love for band or theater do not go on to major in those areas, and while there are groups on campus to be able to participate in those things who has the time to join on top of focusing on your own major and the things that come with it? As well as that great college job that every person just loves. Therefore you have all of these previously very expressive students suddenly devoid of all the things that once gave them a connection to the things they loved. Then Glee enters stage right, they came in singing their hearts out and boom! You have it back, the excitement of the theater and music all from the comfort of your dorm room and it’s free. No paying for tickets(with the exception of the recent Glee 3D Concert Movie), no time consuming band or play practice with fees at every turn. We were given the gift of our undying love for the arts back through a television show. Glee gives us that taste of the petty drama of high school along with the loving groups and friends that made it bearable for many of us. I think Glee will be good for many seasons to come, which is a big sigh of relief to all of us formerly musically active college students who just need some way to Gleek out every once in a while. 


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Monday, August 22, 2011

Glee from the Angle of a Poor College Student

A piece of my past as a high school theater student. Sadly
 these days are long gone now! 
  When Glee first came out it was my senior year of high school and everyone was talking about it, everyone in my group of friends at least. I was among the theater freaks and the band geeks who all assumed that music was life. Glee was a breath of fresh air to the otherwise music devoid television shows out there today. I mean sure Scrubs, and even Grey’s Anatomy did musical episodes, but who really got into those if you were not a fan of them already? The community as a whole, young and old needed something more, something that was not just watching the latest rendition of Rent or Hairspray. Glee swooped in with booming applause from its home audience and hasn’t lost any power since. Now in high school these music geeks and lovers have many different ways to express their intense love for the arts. However, when college rolls around eminently in the fall after that fun filled senior year it is a different story entirely. Most students despite their love for band or theater do not go on to major in those areas, and while there are groups on campus to be able to participate in those things who has the time to join on top of focusing on your own major and the things that come with it? As well as that great college job that every person just loves. Therefore you have all of these previously very expressive students suddenly devoid of all the things that once gave them a connection to the things they loved. Then Glee enters stage right, they came in singing their hearts out and boom! You have it back, the excitement of the theater and music all from the comfort of your dorm room and it’s free. No paying for tickets(with the exception of the recent Glee 3D Concert Movie), no time consuming band or play practice with fees at every turn. We were given the gift of our undying love for the arts back through a television show. Glee gives us that taste of the petty drama of high school along with the loving groups and friends that made it bearable for many of us. I think Glee will be good for many seasons to come, which is a big sigh of relief to all of us formerly musically active college students who just need some way to Gleek out every once in a while. 

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