Pottermore the Next Phantom Menace... Really now?

Day 3. That was the day that sealed my fate as a Pottermore Beta tester. My joy at 5 or 4, or whatever time in the morning it was, was unbelievable. I did it! Now many weeks later I am still not in, like most of the other lucky winners.  Regardless, I would like to just make a quick comment on The Guardian article recently suggesting that Pottermore is pushing fans a little too far. The author compares it to when George Lucas released The Phantom Menace in the 90’s saying it was taking away from the magic of the previous movies and even though as a fan he wanted that movie badly it should not have been given to the fandom at all. I understand the point of view this man is coming from, too much of a good thing can really be bad. I mean, eating too much chocolate cake will definitely make you sick. However I believe that this man underestimates the fandom that thrives today. He states himself that the fandom has the tendency of a fad, only it has lasted 14 years. That is quite a bit longer than Silly Bandz or Chia Pets. Potter fans have this undying thirst to know more about their beloved characters. So why not give them what they want? It is just the same as the multitudes of books, and encyclopedias out there about Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I own a few Lord of the Rings encyclopedias myself and let me tell you; every time I reread the trilogy it has the same inspiring magic as the first time. The author of the article also mentioned he had read all seven books but only watched three of the movies, while the books are the most important part (in my opinion) of the fandom this shows one fatal flaw in his entire article. He is not a fan, or not one that Pottermore is designed for anyway. So why would he even get on, in his mind yes this is taking it too far. Pottermore is not for him; it is for the fans that just cannot say goodbye. At the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2 I cried for a good ten minutes after the movie was over, and the one thought that kept popping into my head was, well at least we have Pottermore. So sir thanks, but no thanks. I will take my full dose of Pottermore please!

Good luck on Pottermore! 


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Monday, August 22, 2011

Pottermore the Next Phantom Menace... Really now?

Day 3. That was the day that sealed my fate as a Pottermore Beta tester. My joy at 5 or 4, or whatever time in the morning it was, was unbelievable. I did it! Now many weeks later I am still not in, like most of the other lucky winners.  Regardless, I would like to just make a quick comment on The Guardian article recently suggesting that Pottermore is pushing fans a little too far. The author compares it to when George Lucas released The Phantom Menace in the 90’s saying it was taking away from the magic of the previous movies and even though as a fan he wanted that movie badly it should not have been given to the fandom at all. I understand the point of view this man is coming from, too much of a good thing can really be bad. I mean, eating too much chocolate cake will definitely make you sick. However I believe that this man underestimates the fandom that thrives today. He states himself that the fandom has the tendency of a fad, only it has lasted 14 years. That is quite a bit longer than Silly Bandz or Chia Pets. Potter fans have this undying thirst to know more about their beloved characters. So why not give them what they want? It is just the same as the multitudes of books, and encyclopedias out there about Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I own a few Lord of the Rings encyclopedias myself and let me tell you; every time I reread the trilogy it has the same inspiring magic as the first time. The author of the article also mentioned he had read all seven books but only watched three of the movies, while the books are the most important part (in my opinion) of the fandom this shows one fatal flaw in his entire article. He is not a fan, or not one that Pottermore is designed for anyway. So why would he even get on, in his mind yes this is taking it too far. Pottermore is not for him; it is for the fans that just cannot say goodbye. At the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2 I cried for a good ten minutes after the movie was over, and the one thought that kept popping into my head was, well at least we have Pottermore. So sir thanks, but no thanks. I will take my full dose of Pottermore please!

Good luck on Pottermore! 

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