My new project!

While browsing the web I stumbled upon this awesome picture of an iMac Aquarium. I myself am in love with my beautiful MacBook Pro and could not resist at least attempting to make one of these beauties. So after hounding my wonderful Fiancé to bring one of these old iMacs home from the Apple repair shop that he works at for a few months now he brought this blue beauty home! I cannot wait to see how it turns out, I also cannot wait to have some new colorful fish swimming around in my apartment!!

Today has made me full of Glee!!

We are now T-minus 29 days from the fall premier of Glee Season 3! The hype has been building and the fans are definitely ready for it's triumphant return. If Glee: The 3D Concert Movie was just not enough to hold you over until September 20th, today there were two videos released that can hopefully hold you over until we start seeing more promotional materials. One was a Glee's full Fashion Night Out music video, which is regrettably missing Amber Riley(Mercedes) and Naya Rivera(Santana). Dianna Agron(Quinn) is still sporting her new short hair but with a new twist of a purple streak along with feather extensions, Ashley Fink(Lauren Zizes) also joins her with some wild colored feather extensions of her own. Kevin McHale is looking rather spiffy as well, and is lacking some chrome in this music video since they are assumably not acting as their characters for this performance. It is a little off-putting to see him jamming out like that with his swishy hair. Over all I felt most of the Glee stars were very much in character which kind of added to the confusion of who were they supposed to be in this particular video? I personally think that if they needed to be a little bit more cohesive, while Fink is very much in character her co star McHale most definitely is not. However it was nice to see a performance by the cast before the new season! The next clip, which is a short thirty seconds, is the first short promo that we are getting for the upcoming season! The dodge balls are flying out of Sue Sylvester's hands as the New Directions scurry away. I have to say I cracked up at the slow motion shots of the cast getting hit in the face with the dodge balls, but for some reason the way their noses and faces shook afterwards was a bit weird to me. My favorite part of this short clip is Emma at the end frantically trying to clean up the bouncing dodge balls. I can't wait to see our favorite Glee characters back at it in the new season! Looks like we will have a great one coming!

Both of these videos are available on, this is my favorite source for Glee, Harry Potter, the Hobbit, The Big Bang Theory, and almost any other fandom you can think of!

Pottermore the Next Phantom Menace... Really now?

Day 3. That was the day that sealed my fate as a Pottermore Beta tester. My joy at 5 or 4, or whatever time in the morning it was, was unbelievable. I did it! Now many weeks later I am still not in, like most of the other lucky winners.  Regardless, I would like to just make a quick comment on The Guardian article recently suggesting that Pottermore is pushing fans a little too far. The author compares it to when George Lucas released The Phantom Menace in the 90’s saying it was taking away from the magic of the previous movies and even though as a fan he wanted that movie badly it should not have been given to the fandom at all. I understand the point of view this man is coming from, too much of a good thing can really be bad. I mean, eating too much chocolate cake will definitely make you sick. However I believe that this man underestimates the fandom that thrives today. He states himself that the fandom has the tendency of a fad, only it has lasted 14 years. That is quite a bit longer than Silly Bandz or Chia Pets. Potter fans have this undying thirst to know more about their beloved characters. So why not give them what they want? It is just the same as the multitudes of books, and encyclopedias out there about Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I own a few Lord of the Rings encyclopedias myself and let me tell you; every time I reread the trilogy it has the same inspiring magic as the first time. The author of the article also mentioned he had read all seven books but only watched three of the movies, while the books are the most important part (in my opinion) of the fandom this shows one fatal flaw in his entire article. He is not a fan, or not one that Pottermore is designed for anyway. So why would he even get on, in his mind yes this is taking it too far. Pottermore is not for him; it is for the fans that just cannot say goodbye. At the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2 I cried for a good ten minutes after the movie was over, and the one thought that kept popping into my head was, well at least we have Pottermore. So sir thanks, but no thanks. I will take my full dose of Pottermore please!

Good luck on Pottermore! 

Glee from the Angle of a Poor College Student

A piece of my past as a high school theater student. Sadly
 these days are long gone now! 
  When Glee first came out it was my senior year of high school and everyone was talking about it, everyone in my group of friends at least. I was among the theater freaks and the band geeks who all assumed that music was life. Glee was a breath of fresh air to the otherwise music devoid television shows out there today. I mean sure Scrubs, and even Grey’s Anatomy did musical episodes, but who really got into those if you were not a fan of them already? The community as a whole, young and old needed something more, something that was not just watching the latest rendition of Rent or Hairspray. Glee swooped in with booming applause from its home audience and hasn’t lost any power since. Now in high school these music geeks and lovers have many different ways to express their intense love for the arts. However, when college rolls around eminently in the fall after that fun filled senior year it is a different story entirely. Most students despite their love for band or theater do not go on to major in those areas, and while there are groups on campus to be able to participate in those things who has the time to join on top of focusing on your own major and the things that come with it? As well as that great college job that every person just loves. Therefore you have all of these previously very expressive students suddenly devoid of all the things that once gave them a connection to the things they loved. Then Glee enters stage right, they came in singing their hearts out and boom! You have it back, the excitement of the theater and music all from the comfort of your dorm room and it’s free. No paying for tickets(with the exception of the recent Glee 3D Concert Movie), no time consuming band or play practice with fees at every turn. We were given the gift of our undying love for the arts back through a television show. Glee gives us that taste of the petty drama of high school along with the loving groups and friends that made it bearable for many of us. I think Glee will be good for many seasons to come, which is a big sigh of relief to all of us formerly musically active college students who just need some way to Gleek out every once in a while. 

Starting up frustration

Dear non existent readers. Today I started this blog. I started this so I could put some writing up for a possible position on a Glee podcast(if you are the one picking for the podcast, see this dedication, it is awesome, pick me!) But I think I may try to keep it up as this year goes on. Maybe. We'll see, but in the mean time I have a some comments on starting this blog. Even though I do not know if I intend to keep it I do know that I am picky about things like this, especially when a layout and naming comes into play. Ask anyone on my high school newspaper staff, I will take hours till I find something perfect. So I just spent the last couple of hours that I should have been working on transcribing various lectures making this blog and remaking it over and over again. Right now I can somewhat accept it. However I am now itching to learn how to make these templates myself. There are so many ugly templates on the internet it is astounding. They really need to just clear it out and start over, we aren't in the myspace ages now people. Get with the program. Regardless of this I am going to post a few things today and tomorrow and see how it goes.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My new project!

While browsing the web I stumbled upon this awesome picture of an iMac Aquarium. I myself am in love with my beautiful MacBook Pro and could not resist at least attempting to make one of these beauties. So after hounding my wonderful Fiancé to bring one of these old iMacs home from the Apple repair shop that he works at for a few months now he brought this blue beauty home! I cannot wait to see how it turns out, I also cannot wait to have some new colorful fish swimming around in my apartment!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today has made me full of Glee!!

We are now T-minus 29 days from the fall premier of Glee Season 3! The hype has been building and the fans are definitely ready for it's triumphant return. If Glee: The 3D Concert Movie was just not enough to hold you over until September 20th, today there were two videos released that can hopefully hold you over until we start seeing more promotional materials. One was a Glee's full Fashion Night Out music video, which is regrettably missing Amber Riley(Mercedes) and Naya Rivera(Santana). Dianna Agron(Quinn) is still sporting her new short hair but with a new twist of a purple streak along with feather extensions, Ashley Fink(Lauren Zizes) also joins her with some wild colored feather extensions of her own. Kevin McHale is looking rather spiffy as well, and is lacking some chrome in this music video since they are assumably not acting as their characters for this performance. It is a little off-putting to see him jamming out like that with his swishy hair. Over all I felt most of the Glee stars were very much in character which kind of added to the confusion of who were they supposed to be in this particular video? I personally think that if they needed to be a little bit more cohesive, while Fink is very much in character her co star McHale most definitely is not. However it was nice to see a performance by the cast before the new season! The next clip, which is a short thirty seconds, is the first short promo that we are getting for the upcoming season! The dodge balls are flying out of Sue Sylvester's hands as the New Directions scurry away. I have to say I cracked up at the slow motion shots of the cast getting hit in the face with the dodge balls, but for some reason the way their noses and faces shook afterwards was a bit weird to me. My favorite part of this short clip is Emma at the end frantically trying to clean up the bouncing dodge balls. I can't wait to see our favorite Glee characters back at it in the new season! Looks like we will have a great one coming!

Both of these videos are available on, this is my favorite source for Glee, Harry Potter, the Hobbit, The Big Bang Theory, and almost any other fandom you can think of!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pottermore the Next Phantom Menace... Really now?

Day 3. That was the day that sealed my fate as a Pottermore Beta tester. My joy at 5 or 4, or whatever time in the morning it was, was unbelievable. I did it! Now many weeks later I am still not in, like most of the other lucky winners.  Regardless, I would like to just make a quick comment on The Guardian article recently suggesting that Pottermore is pushing fans a little too far. The author compares it to when George Lucas released The Phantom Menace in the 90’s saying it was taking away from the magic of the previous movies and even though as a fan he wanted that movie badly it should not have been given to the fandom at all. I understand the point of view this man is coming from, too much of a good thing can really be bad. I mean, eating too much chocolate cake will definitely make you sick. However I believe that this man underestimates the fandom that thrives today. He states himself that the fandom has the tendency of a fad, only it has lasted 14 years. That is quite a bit longer than Silly Bandz or Chia Pets. Potter fans have this undying thirst to know more about their beloved characters. So why not give them what they want? It is just the same as the multitudes of books, and encyclopedias out there about Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. I own a few Lord of the Rings encyclopedias myself and let me tell you; every time I reread the trilogy it has the same inspiring magic as the first time. The author of the article also mentioned he had read all seven books but only watched three of the movies, while the books are the most important part (in my opinion) of the fandom this shows one fatal flaw in his entire article. He is not a fan, or not one that Pottermore is designed for anyway. So why would he even get on, in his mind yes this is taking it too far. Pottermore is not for him; it is for the fans that just cannot say goodbye. At the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2 I cried for a good ten minutes after the movie was over, and the one thought that kept popping into my head was, well at least we have Pottermore. So sir thanks, but no thanks. I will take my full dose of Pottermore please!

Good luck on Pottermore! 

Glee from the Angle of a Poor College Student

A piece of my past as a high school theater student. Sadly
 these days are long gone now! 
  When Glee first came out it was my senior year of high school and everyone was talking about it, everyone in my group of friends at least. I was among the theater freaks and the band geeks who all assumed that music was life. Glee was a breath of fresh air to the otherwise music devoid television shows out there today. I mean sure Scrubs, and even Grey’s Anatomy did musical episodes, but who really got into those if you were not a fan of them already? The community as a whole, young and old needed something more, something that was not just watching the latest rendition of Rent or Hairspray. Glee swooped in with booming applause from its home audience and hasn’t lost any power since. Now in high school these music geeks and lovers have many different ways to express their intense love for the arts. However, when college rolls around eminently in the fall after that fun filled senior year it is a different story entirely. Most students despite their love for band or theater do not go on to major in those areas, and while there are groups on campus to be able to participate in those things who has the time to join on top of focusing on your own major and the things that come with it? As well as that great college job that every person just loves. Therefore you have all of these previously very expressive students suddenly devoid of all the things that once gave them a connection to the things they loved. Then Glee enters stage right, they came in singing their hearts out and boom! You have it back, the excitement of the theater and music all from the comfort of your dorm room and it’s free. No paying for tickets(with the exception of the recent Glee 3D Concert Movie), no time consuming band or play practice with fees at every turn. We were given the gift of our undying love for the arts back through a television show. Glee gives us that taste of the petty drama of high school along with the loving groups and friends that made it bearable for many of us. I think Glee will be good for many seasons to come, which is a big sigh of relief to all of us formerly musically active college students who just need some way to Gleek out every once in a while. 

Starting up frustration

Dear non existent readers. Today I started this blog. I started this so I could put some writing up for a possible position on a Glee podcast(if you are the one picking for the podcast, see this dedication, it is awesome, pick me!) But I think I may try to keep it up as this year goes on. Maybe. We'll see, but in the mean time I have a some comments on starting this blog. Even though I do not know if I intend to keep it I do know that I am picky about things like this, especially when a layout and naming comes into play. Ask anyone on my high school newspaper staff, I will take hours till I find something perfect. So I just spent the last couple of hours that I should have been working on transcribing various lectures making this blog and remaking it over and over again. Right now I can somewhat accept it. However I am now itching to learn how to make these templates myself. There are so many ugly templates on the internet it is astounding. They really need to just clear it out and start over, we aren't in the myspace ages now people. Get with the program. Regardless of this I am going to post a few things today and tomorrow and see how it goes.

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